The shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in our body. The rotator cuff, a collection of four primary muscles and their tendons, facilitates its wide range of motion. Often times, people suffering from shoulder irritation or inflammation choose to avoid using the arm to speed up recovery. Failing to use the arm may potentially bring more pain, or even a “frozen shoulder”. One of the best ways to repair the sore shoulder is controlled movement of the joint. Living with pain is not a good option. We want to help you find shoulder pain relief.
Why Does It Matter?
The tendons, which attach the shoulder muscles to the bones, are the most common source of shoulder pain.
- If a tendon in your shoulder becomes inflamed, it might be tendonitis.
- If the fluid filled sac that cushions your shoulder becomes painful and swollen due to repetitive motion, it might be bursitis.
- A tendon becoming pinched between or under your shoulder bones can result in shoulder impingement. Overhead lifting repetitively can create impingement, which brings swelling and pain.
- A rotator cuff tear results when a tendon in your shoulder is torn. It can occur as a result of overuse, injury, or age. Tears usually cause pain when lifting, and might be accompanied by a “pop” sound.
What’s Next?
Your spine and shoulder work together. While they are located in different areas of the body, research shows postural abnormalities may play a significant role in your likelihood of developing shoulder pain.
To help reduce your likelihood of experiencing shoulder issues, it is essential to maintain a full range of motion in your shoulder and in the spinal joints of your mid-back and neck.
If you have been experiencing shoulder pain or limited mobility, our office can help. Working together to establish a movement-based plan will provide the best probability to find natural, long-term shoulder pain relief.
Science Source(s):
Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Shoulder Motion Range and Pain in Individuals with Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med. 2019.